November paucity


I’ve reached the slump. 

It’s about that time of year… we’re entering into the winter months, the winter blues and the dearth of motivation are creeping in the further into November we get. 


There is some good news. The pumpkin spice lattes are back, the leaves are crunchy, and it’s jumper season!

Yes. We are in the darker months where life can be/get really really tough, especially this year. It’s been wild. Some of us are working from home, some of us are braving it on the front lines, some have lost jobs, and in all environments, it can be extremely challenging. All of these drastic changes in our careers, home life, social life, and mind have happened in a very short amount of time. 

In the hustle and bustle of it all, we are looking forward in order to cope with the present. As a result, we’re falling behind on the present moment and when we stop spending time in the present and channel all that focus onto the future… yep, anxiety knocks on our door. We won’t open the door and let it in, but we know that it’s there and it’s not going to leave anytime soon. 

Talk Talk Talk 

Seasonal Affective Disorder is absolutely real. We don’t need to go around diagnosing ourselves with it now but we are affected by the changing seasons. It’s darker earlier and it’s harder to motivate yourself to go out for some air or exercise. Moreover, there’s the stress of work/college brewing and your personal life too… the recipe for a breakdown! It’s so important to make time to talk. Whatever your evening routine is, make time for a call with a good friend. Remember in these dark mornings and evenings, the sun is a daily reminder that light can come from darkness.     

Find Your Thing

We all have different ways of de-stressing. For some it’s working out, reading, going for a walk, or Netflix. It’s really important to know yourself well and what works for you especially in high times of stress. 30 minutes a day for yourself is plenty to re-charge those batteries. You can’t pour from an empty glass, so relax and fill it up!

Pretty Planners

Get yourself a pretty planner! I procrastinate a lot and then cram coming up to deadlines. I’ve always been like that and it works for me. Even for the crammers though, you can plan. Planning eliminates stress immediately. A healthy balance is between “I must get all these assignments done immediately” and “ah it’s not due for ages, I can park it.” Get those deadlines down on paper, physically observe the time in between deadlines, and plan personal stuff too. This is one of the things that helps me to relax! There are also some apps out there that send you notifications too if that is more helpful. 

Music and Playlists

Music is my sacred space. I have playlists for different things, a chill one coming home from work on a Monday evening, a fire one for a workout, a feel-good one for a Friday… the list is endless. Some people focus better when working with music. Instrumental concentration music… throwbacks… whatever you like. Some people have even started the Christmas playlists already! As a form of focus, relaxing, de-stressing, dancing, music is a pretty solid friend. 

Treat Yourself

Buy some makeup, a new jacket, a haircut. When you look good, you feel good; and when you feel good, you work better. If you’re working from home you could get some nice fluffy slippers or a hoodie, whatever the environment! Get yourself a coffee, hot chocolate. Eat a good meal. You deserve it! Plan something to look forward to. Little rewards can help us to focus better on our work. Plan a zoom call, dance session, or games night with friends, or perhaps a movie.  During the lockdown I’ve done Netflix Parties with friends which has been super fun! It’s an application where you can watch movies together and chat about it. I know that I’m looking forward to the month of December and getting into the Christmas spirit and hopefully getting to see family and friends! 

Whatever the plan is, make sure that you remind yourself of what’s to come to keep you going, and that there is a much bigger world that exists outside of your current slump or state of stress! 


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